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This exhibition is my autobiography. May I welcome you to the places I’ve lived and travelled to and from, in fact or fantasy, and hold dear to my heart.

  • Nic Cantor's artistic journey is a testament to the diverse ways we mark our time on this earth. While some of us curate photo albums or maintain daily diaries to capture cherished moments, Nic immortalises his experiences through the language of paint. This exhibition offers a visual diary spanning six decades, covering varied sections of his world, inviting viewers to step into the tapestry of his life.

    Hailing from Philadelphia but calling London and the Cotswolds home, Nic's transition from corporate lawyer to practising artist is a story of passion ignited. University courses in painting and art appreciation sparked his interest, but it was a thoughtful gift— a set of oil paints from his cousin — that truly launched his artistic odyssey.

    Nic's vibrant works are a unique blend of familiarity and originality. While certain elements may evoke echoes of well-known artworks, Nic's artistic voice remains unmistakably his own. His ability to infuse eachpiece with emotional depth and personal resonance signifies his commitment to capturing the essence of his subjects. In his landscapes, one may catch a flicker of inspiration from Van Gogh in the dynamic brushwork and expressive use of colour but stops abruptly before imitation. Perhaps the palette and representation in some piecesevoke the spirit of Andre Derain, a master of bold colour and form, or the decorative flourishes bring Henri Matisse to mind. However, Nic’s interpretations transcend mimicry. His work occupies its own realm, standing proudly alongside the shadows of past masters. In short, Nic is authentic, and Nic is original.

    This collection is not merely a showcase of artistic prowess; it is Nic's autobiography writ large on canvas. Lavish textures, vivid hues, and whimsical content invite viewers to journey alongside him through the places he's lived and travelled, real and imagined.

    As you explore Nic Cantor's exhibition, you'll find yourself in a world where colours dance with emotion, andevery brushstroke tells a story. It's a privilege to witness the culmination of decades of dedication to craft and creativity. Nic Cantor is a singular talent, and his artistry is an experience not to be missed. I wholeheartedly encourage you to immerse yourself in these extraordinary artworks and the vision of this remarkable artist, aswe are unlikely to encounter another quite like him.

    Hester Baldwin, Managing Director, 2024

  • I’m an American erstwhile lawyer and practising artist from Philadelphia who calls London and the Cotswolds home. The history of painting and art appreciation courses that I took at university galvanised my interest in and passion for art, and when my cousin gifted me with a set of oil paints as a graduation present, my artistic journey truly began. I love bright colours and design, and try to discern the essence of my subject, emotionally how I react to it, which is what I try to capture in my paintings.

17 June


9 September