WHITE WASH - MADE IN CHINA by Katherine Peeke

Lightfast Acrylic

68 x 80 cm

63 x 75 cm



To enquire about this artwork, please email the TITLE and NAME to thegallery@greenandstone.com

Artist Statement

My experience of art and design stems from a juxtaposing of various disciplines, with positions held in photography, draughtsmanship, graphicdesign, printmaking, illustration and airbrush paintings. Working within a realism vein in painting, linear style in life-studies and urban themes in photography. I have found the concept of airbrushing is misunderstood, but when utilised within fine art it has all the creativity of traditional techniques. With my airbrush paintings I use light-fast museum quality acrylics to build colour, requiring accurate drawing skills as well as painting abilities to combine into producing that paradox of illusion. For


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