SKI RUN by Victoria Sebag

Oil on linen

104 x 104 cm

100 x 100 cm


Artist Statement

I work fast, using the energy of my brush marks to bring movement and energy to the canvas. I like the paintings to feel that they have been made by a human, by hand - to bring a direct communication of a moment from me to the viewer. I am always inspired by things around me whether it's nature and the environment or things in the news which catch my eye. My work always has a sense of being removed from the moment - a distance, that allows you to float into the work or inhabit the painting with a placid, watchful & occasionally critical eye. I work from photographs and often piece different photographs together to create the image I would like, building the image intuitively as I work on the canvas. I like the ability to expand the photo, to study the detail, before zooming out again and will search the internet looking for things that I want to paint or add into a painting.

Part of the work for me is that the object is beautiful in itself and I use high quality linen, rabbit skin size and oil based primer with oil grounds to create a high quality surface before I start. The priming and quality oil paint is really important for me as a start.

I am inspired by the abstract expressionists, the Japanese print artists from the 1800s and more recently Cecily Brown, Peter Doig and Jennifer Packer.


BEFORE by Victoria Kennaugh
