MOVEMENT NO. 1 by Alice Zakharenko

Handmade denim paper, gouache, kozo

53 x 43 cm

43 x 30 cm



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Artist Statement

Interested in the ordinary, I explore how the everyday establishes itself through a series of repetitions: systems of transportation, routinely walks, decorative adornments, natural patterns and the general passive emotions felt during these moments of waiting. I am curious about exploring stillness within the constant buzz of a city or country landscape; how infinite repeats give birth to differences. The patterns we find in the body and environment gives us a symbol of identity and a passage of time. Working as an interdisciplinary artist, I explore themes of time, movement, and rhythm through printmaking, papermaking, painting and artist books.


MOVEMENT NO. 2 by Alice Zakharenko


GRAFT by Aloe Corry