
37 x 33 cm

30 x 20 cm



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Artist Statement

Natalie is an artist based in London. Her practice explores memory, nostalgia, landscape and synesthesia. Natalie works across mediums, from watercolour to oil pastel and ink. She paints and draws intuitively, creating painted choreographies that move between memory, reality and imagination. Often working with her own memories, Natalie is interested in their depth, intricacy and woven nature, each moment caught and layered in the mind. Through mark making and colour, Natalie finds ways to explore, articulate and express these complex emotions embedded within our memories, whether that be in landscape, still life or abstract works.

Natalie studied Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. From experimenting with drawing during a module at the Slade School of Fine Art, to exploring film and sound installation, Natalie engages a wide range of disciplines within her work. Her time spent working in the music industry at Nonesuch Records has also been a key influence on her art practice and she often uses her synesthesic experience to paint visualisations of music.

Natalie works across commissions and self-directed artworks.


🔴 TEA? by Natalia Shaloshvili


WHY CAN'T THEY DRAW FRUIT (ONSEN #2) by Niall Maccrann