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An exhibition of new mixed-media works by artist and illustrator Georgie Stewart.

Georgie Stewart’s forthcoming exhibition HERMIT is an ode to life by the sea. The collection is influenced by the artist’s relocation from London to Devon, a place where she has found endless inspiration and magic in the solitude of the wild. HERMIT is an exploration of that drastic transition to a slower pace of life, retreating into the home and the uplifting impact living by the sea brings. 

  • HERMIT is an ode to life by the sea. The exhibition is a poignant exploration of Georgie Stewart’s relocation from London to the serene embrace of Devon’s coastline, a place where she has found endless inspiration and magic in the solitude of the wild. The collection encapsulates the artist’s discovery of a slower, more intentional approach to life. It celebrates the delight to be found in retreating into the home, and the uplifting impact living by the sea brings. Each piece in this collection is a visual narrative of Georgie's profound connection with the coastal environment, offering viewers a chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and serenity that define her new life.

    The works themselves are infused with Georgie’s signature palette of peaceful pinks and blues, often accentuated by a fleck of red as an homage to Turner and the final flourish with which he would animate his atmospheric seascapes. Many of the scenes were painted en plein air, in the surrounding bays of Woolacombe, Saunton Sands and Rapparee Cove, a favourite morning swim spot of the artist’s. The wildlife and surfing bodies that make up the North Devon coastline are affectionately referenced as side characters to the ocean itself, which takes centre stage as the protagonist in this introspective body of work. Brooding, magnetic, peaceful, healing - the sea encompasses every emotion, and often reflects back to us what we seek from it most. Our individual relationships with the sea can feel incredibly personal, and each of these mixed-media seascapes is a collaboration between environment, body and mind.

    Interior illustrations describe life inside April Cottage and the studio, an addition that has been transformative to Georgie’s practice. HERMIT extends an invitation to an intimate view inside an artist’s life by the sea, through the lens of her eclectic compilation of drawings, paintings, ceramics and sketchbooks that detail a deep appreciation for everyday domesticity, the ocean’s healing qualities and small moments of extraordinary beauty provided for us by nature.

  • Georgie Stewart is an illustrator artist based in Devon. Georgie’s artworks combine her distinctive use of vivid colours with a natural drawing style to form evocative landscapes. Her illustrations, pulsating with joy, optimism, and a zest for life, are a testament to her creative philosophy.

    Georgie spent most of 2022 travelling through Europe in her bright orange camper van Jaffa, a trip that culminated in an artist residency on the Greek island of Skopelos. During her time on the road, the seed of an idea was planted to reside by the sea upon returning home to the UK. Georgie now lives a cosy, quiet life in a cottage on the North Devon coast, where she spends most of her time in her garden shed studio, drawing inspiration from her surroundings.

    With a master’s degree in Contemporary Art from Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Georgie went on to train for an MA in Illustration at Camberwell College of Art before continuing her studies at the Royal Drawing School in London. Georgie is represented worldwide by IllustrationX, and her work has been featured in British Vogue. Her creative portfolio has included collaborations with prominent brands such as Apple, Crown Paints, Soho Press and Travel + Leisure magazine.

  • 2024: Wildcard artist in Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year, Season 9. 
    2023: Group show, Summer Exhibition, The Gallery at Green & Stone, London. 
    2023: Artist talk, The Pig at Combe, Devon. 
    2023: Group exhibition, Christmas Fair, The Gallery at Green & Stone, London. 
    2022: Solo show ‘Travels in My Van,’ travelling exhibition between London and Cheshire. 
    2022: Selected as one of ten artists by Apple to create illustrations celebrating the opening of their new store on Brompton Road. 
    2022: Solo exhibition ‘The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep,’ Pimlico. 
    2022: Artist residency, The Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Greece. 
    2022: Group show, North Devon Arts Christmas Exhibition, Studio Kind, Devon. 
    2022: Work featured in Rotary Magazine, September issue.2021: Group exhibition, Under the Same Sky, Peckham. 
    2021: Group auction, Art for Relief in collaboration with The Auction Collective. 
    2021: Group show, Visual Arts Spring Exhibition (online).
    2020: Featured in Ladies Drawing Magazine, Issue 8. 
    2020: Group exhibition, MA Illustration: UAL Graduate showcase, Camberwell College of Arts. 
    2019: Exhibiting artist, Parallax Art Fair, Chelsea. 
    2019: Exhibiting artist, Student Auction, Sotheby’s Institute of Art. 

    Formal training

    2021: The Drawing Intensive, Royal Drawing School, London. 
    2019-2020: MA Illustration, Camberwell College of Arts, London. 
    2018-2019: MA Contemporary Art, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London. 

20 May