Acrylic, pencil, ink and collage

32 x 32 cm

30 x 30 cm



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Artist Statement

My recent still lives are inspired by my late father David Reeves who was a ceramicist. Some of his pots feature in my paintings and these works have given me an opportunity to spend time looking at and painting the objects he made with his hands as I create with my own.

My interest in still life paintings began after lockdown. I spent much of lockdown making paintings based on interiors that were layered and fragmented, these interiors were attempting to describe our fragmented and disjointed experience. Lighting played a key part in the atmosphere and drama of these images. I have continued to use dramatic lighting in these still lives. The objects are lit to the side against a dark background. They are painterly forms that rise up out of the background standing still and alone, rooted against the darkness. I studied at Coventry University and then at the Chelsea College of Art where I completed my MA.


KITTEN by Sarah Madsen


UNTITLED by Sean Whelan Dempsey